Ageing and the Good Things of Life: The Application of Social Role Valorization to Supporting People as They Age

Ageing and the Good Things of Life: The Application of Social Role Valorization to Supporting People as They Age

SKU: 978-1-989991-00-8
Brand: ValorSolutions

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As they age, many people lose valued social roles and their value in the eyes of others and this opens a big door to other bad things happening to them. They get cast into negative roles, such as burdensome, dependent, child once again, or object of pity. They get surrounded by negative imagery that interprets them as useless, sick, and as good as dead. They get rejected and put at physical and social distance from the larger society. These things lead to declines in competence and health, reduced well-being, even abbreviation of life itself.

This book addresses the plight of older people by looking at how they are valued in society, and the roles they are given and permitted to fill. It proposes the creation and the support of valued social roles for older people as key to their getting and holding on to the good things of life. This is embodied in a service principle called Social Role Valorization, or SRV.

Held, R., Armstrong, J., Lemay R. & Thomas, S. (Editors)  (2020)


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This book includes the following chapters:

Chapter 1 - Wolf Wolfensberger: A Brief Overview of Social Role Valorization, and Major Implications to the Elderly

Chapter 2 - Michael Rungie & Wolf Wolfensberger: The Wounding of Older People, and Their Most Common Wounds 

Chapter 3 - John Armstrong: Why SRV Is Important and Relevant in the Current Context of Aged Care Service

Chapter 4 - Ronda Held: Ageing and Social Role Valorization

Chapter 5 - Lorna Sullivan: Social Role Valorization: A Conceptual Framework for Transforming Person-Centred Care for Elders

Chapter 6 - Michael Fine & Hal Kendig: Normalizing Old Age and Aged Care: Social Role Valorization and International Trends in Ageing

Chapter 7 - Michael Rungie: Roles for Older People: The Ultimate Prize of Social Role Valorization 

Chapter 8 - Ronda Held, Jane Sherwin & Joyleen Thomas: Creating Measures of Real Service Quality Based on SRV: The Experiences of One Agency’s Work Towards Good Lives for Older People

Chapter 9 - Lorna Hallahan: The Better Practice Project: A Transformative Approach to Work-Integrated Learning in Social Care with Older Australian Citizens

Chapter 10 - Anouk Bolsenbroek & Hanne Laceulle: Setting the Scene for Later Life: Cultural Stories for Inspiration and Resistance

Chapter 11 - Lynda Shevellar & John Armstrong: Re-Thinking Respite in Aged Care

Chapter 12 - Jane Sherwin: Exploring Three Contemporary Residential Responses to Older People Through a Social Role Valorization Lens

Chapter 13 - Robin Starry Fields: From One Generation to Another: The Beauty of Lives Shared

Chapter 14 - Jo Massarelli: Social Role Valorization Applied to the Safeguarding of Elders

Chapter 15 - Wolf Wolfensberger: The Risk To Life Of Elderly People in the Contemporary Societal Context