Advanced Issues in Social Role Valorization Theory
About Social Role Valorization (SRV)
Social Role Valorization (SRV), a human service theory based on the principle of normalization, proposes that positively valued social roles are needed for people to attain what Wolfensberger has described as the good things of life (well-being). This is of particular importance for individuals with impairments or otherwise at risk of being socially devalued by others, and therefore of great importance for human services to them.

A Quarter-Century of Normalization and Social Role Valorization: Evolution and Impact
Robert J. Flynn and Raymond A. Lemay (1999)
During the late 1960s and 1970s, Normalization and Social Role Valorization (SRV) enabled the widespread emergence of community residential options and then provided the philosophical climate within which educational integration, supported employment, and community participation were able to take firm root.

A Guideline on protecting the health and lives of patients in hospitals, especially if the patient is a member of a societally devalued class 3rd edition
Announcing : Wolf Wolfensberger’s
A Guideline on Protecting the Health and Lives of Patients in Hospitals,
Especially if the patient is a member of a societally devalued class 3rd edition
“This guide is a practical tool that should be at every hospitalized patient’s bedside. One can only hope that such safeguards will catch on. If patients and their caregivers follow the tips contained in this guide, their hospital stay is more likely to help them recover their health with the fewest possible number of incidents. (from the foreword by André Blanchet, MD).

A Brief Introduction to Social Role Valorization - Hardcover
“A long-held rationale of those of us who teach SRV Theory is that the material helps students to see the world from the perspectives of those who receive services and supports, rather than the service provider. Time and again, we hear students describe this as the single most important aspect of taking an SRV Theory course. They … now have new, or different, eyes with which to see … When they changed their perceptions of another person, they then changed their expectations of this person, along with their ideas of what the person actually needs and how to effectively address these needs” (from the foreword by Zana Marie Lutfiyya PhD and Thomas Neuville, PhD).

A Brief Introduction to Social Role Valorization
“A long-held rationale of those of us who teach SRV Theory is that the material helps students to see the world from the perspectives of those who receive services and supports, rather than the service provider. Time and again, we hear students describe this as the single most important aspect of taking an SRV Theory course. They … now have new, or different, eyes with which to see … When they changed their perceptions of another person, they then changed their expectations of this person, along with their ideas of what the person actually needs and how to effectively address these needs” (from the foreword by Zana Marie Lutfiyya PhD and Thomas Neuville, PhD).